A handful of badges I earned with Centriq
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.NET Core MVC App
Store Front Application
A mock store front with the theme of the Escape From Tarkov universe (before BSG's terrible decisions). This application connects to a T-SQL database housing product information and displayed in Razor views using the MVC Architecture.
ToDo Application
This application is a ToDo checklist that utilizes a T-SQL database to track tasks and their status. This application was built using the ReactJS library and utilized Google Firebase to handle authentication allowing users to login using their GitHub accounts!
.NET Core Web API
We created a .NET Core Web API so that we could create an endpoint for our ReactJS ToDo application to recieve database entries. This API has been deployed and handles GET and POST requests created from the ToDo App!
.NET Core MVC App
DVPRO Team Project
This is my final project with centriq, this application is a mock adminstrative dashboard. This application introduced me to new plugins and new ways to display complex information using data visualization. It was also an incredible learning experience building applications in a team based setting.
Console application
Dungeon Application
My version of a text based dungeon crawler, complete with functional and balanced combat. This app was my introduction to the fundamentals of C#. Includes a scoring system and even a player accessible shop to purchase items like bigger and better weapons to continue the monster slaughter!
Console application
Magic 8 Ball
This application was one of my first C# projects with centriq. Although simple, it's still interesting and enjoyable to play around and ask silly questions to the application. This project is where I found my love for C# creating .NET applications. This project was fun and is an incredible way to get introduced to C#.
Some languages I have used